The 26th Annual Scientific Meeting Of Malaysian Society Of Neurosciences (MSN 2015) is an annual meeting for the Malaysian Neurology Community to share the knowledge and experience, to establish networking and opportunity for collaboration. For the first time in MSN 2015, 3 major tracks ie Neurology, Paediatric Neurology and Basic Neuroscience were highlighted under one conference.
The NeuroBiology & Genetics Group (NBGG), led by GRMRC’s Dr. Cheah Pike See and Dr. Michael KH Ling, was awarded the top 3 prizes for Best Poster Presentation under the Basic Neuroscience category.
- Melody Leong (MSc Candidate). “Targeted differential gene expression profiling of skeletal muscles isolated from Ts1Cje mouse model for Down Syndrome.“
- Lim Chai Ling (MSc Candidate). “Evaluation of satellite cells in Down Syndrome skeletal muscle.“
- Angeline Leong (MSc Candidate). “Spatiotemporal expression profiling and molecular characterization of miR-344b and miR-344c in the developing mouse brain.”