Research Overview
Dr. Fauziah Othman is the Professor and Head of Human Anatomy Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS), University Putra Malaysia (UPM). She acquired her PhD in the field of histopathology from the Department of Anatomy, University of Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom in the year 1996. She also had her sabbatical training at University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia, where she particularly concentrated in live cell imaging and anatomy teaching. Fauziah’s research interest includes; virotherapy and herbal therapy on cancer, as well as tissue engineering.
Research Funding
Project Title Funding Source Newcastle Disease virus as an anticancer agent MAKNA Tobramycin-incorporated Biomaterial Delivery System in Combating Biofilm Research University Grant Scheme (RUGS) Effect of Ethanol Neem Extract on Cervical Cancer-Induced Balb/C Mice Model FRGS Anti-angiogenic Potential and Induction of Apoptosis by NDV AF2240 Strain on Mammary Carcinoma Cell Lines Grant Putra (GP-IPS) Selected Publications
Ahmed U, Ahmad I, Young YK, Manan NA, Fauziah O. (2015) Inhibitory and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Newcastle Disease Virus Strain AF2240 on Mammary Carcinoma Cell Line BioMed Research International 2015 (2015): 12Ahmed I, Ahmad U, Young YK, Manan NA, Fauziah O. (2014) Induction of Nitric Oxide and TNF-Α in Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) AF2240 Infected RAW 264.7 Macrophages and their Cytotoxic Activity on MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cell Line. Journal of Cancer Science and Therapy 6(11):478-482Lim SN, Zeenathul NA, Mohd Azmi ML, Abas MO and Fauziah O. (2013). Selective apoptosis induction in MCF-7 cell line by truncated minimal functional region of Apoptin. BMC Cancer 2013(13): 13-488Royan, M. ; Meng, G. Y. ; Othman, F. ; Sazili, A. Qurni ; Hanachi, P. (2014) Einfluss einer Kombination von CLA mit Fischöl oder Sojaöl im Futter auf das Fettsäuremuster von Broilerfleisch. Effects of dietary combination of conjugated linoleic acid with fish oil or soybean oil on fatty acids composition of broiler meat. Archiv fur Geflugelkunde. 77(3): 189–198Faridah H, Sima AE, Asmah R, Fauziah O and Abdah A. (2014) The centella asiatica juice effects on DNA damage, apoptosis and gene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014(14): 14-32
Year Name of Award 2014 Travel Grant to attend Advances In Live Single-Cell Thermal Imaging and Manipulation ( ALSCTIM) Conference in OIST, Seaside House, Onna, Japan. 2011 3. Anugerah Jasamu Dikenang (Electron Microscopy Society Malaysia) 2012 Anugerah Alumni Terbilang 2013 The New Generation of Protective Supplement for Liver Cancer. Malaysian Technology Expo 2013, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. 21-23 Feb 2013. – Silver Medal. Current Lab Members
Name Position Research Interest Year Joined -
Fauziah Othman
[email protected]
Tissue Engineering