Neuroscience Seminar: How does a neuron grow complex dendrite arbors? An in vivo time-lapse imaging study of dendrite morphogenesis
When: | Wednesday, December 23, 2015 10.45am - 12.00pm |
Where: | Auditorium of the Medical Library, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, UPM |
Description: | Speaker: Dr. Yoong. Li-Foong, Ph.D. Affiliation: Research Scientist, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan Neurons develop complex dendritic arbor morphologies in order to build functional neural networks. How neurons establish such complex arbor architectures remain largely unknown. Importantly these mechanisms are often disrupted in neurological disorders and may be utilized during neuronal regeneration. Dendrite development is a highly dynamic process; hence live imaging of neurons during dendrite outgrowth is required to understand how final morphology is achieved. However, establishment of mature dendrite morphology takes up to months in mammalian brain, making it challenging to study all steps in sequence in vivo. In contrast, neuronal development takes only days in fruit flies, Drosophila. In this talk, I will discuss about our novel approach of a non-invasive, in vivo time-lapse imaging of dendrite arbor morphogenesis in Drosophila model. Coupled with computer vision-based quantification, we have identified novel and crucial processes during complex dendrite arbors formation. Hosted by: Dr. Michael KH Ling Lecturers, postgraduates and undergraduates are cordially invited to this special Neuroscience Seminar. The seminar is open to all interested parties within as well as outside UPM. Please feel free to extend this invitation to your colleagues. Due to limited seat available, please kindly RSVP your interest with Mdm Hazlen Saleh at [email protected] before the seminar. |
Cost: | Free |
Contact: | [email protected] |
Notes: | Please kindly RSVP your interest with Mdm Hazlen Saleh at [email protected] |
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